LIME has been looking for a new, larger office for a few weeks now. Our cosy office at Neubrunnenplatz in Mainz is slowly becoming too small for our constantly growing team . We found what we were looking for in Mombach: a large office space is currently being renovated near Halle 45, easily accessible from the city centre.
As the work will continue for several months, last week we were first able to take a look at part of the premises, which will later be used completely for storage and repair. In the previous office in the Große Bleiche, only a small storage room was available for this area. The move is therefore an important step in preparing the department for the sale of the first AnyHands .
Service & Repair is becoming increasingly important as the first batch of AnyHands is already in production and can be delivered to the first therapy practices and clinics in the foreseeable future. If there are problems with one of the devices during use, our telephone service is the first port of call. Software problems can often be solved by our IT team dialing into the system and fixing the error there. In the case of mechanical damage, the affected AnyHand would end up in our newly occupied service rooms and be repaired. To ensure that therapy in the practice does not falter, the AnyHand is replaced with a replacement unit as soon as possible.
"It is imperative that the service is ready as soon as the first products are delivered. Even though we naturally hope for as few complaints as possible, it is enormously important that the service structures are already in place now. The new space is an important element of this," explains Fabian, who has been working in the relevant area for a few months.
A much larger area is now available for repairs on the AnyHand.
The area is equipped with Electrostatic Discharge Equipment (ESD) - it prevents electronic components of the AnyHand from being damaged by an electrostatic discharge. This is prevented by wearing special dissipative clothing, laying out special table and floor sheets, and using tools that dissipate the charge before it can damage components.
So much for our storage and repair room. We are looking forward to showing you the newly renovated offices in the coming months!